Question: Do you think that the Holy Spirit/Ghost is just as effective today as it was in the Bible days?


Yes; however, because of the events of Acts 28:25–28, the open display of God’s Power re, especially His Chosen People the Jews of Israel; is muted compared with the amazing openness during and especially during the Acts period!

The speech by Peter in Acts 2 displayed the power and wonder that was to be expected by the Jews gathered in Jerusalem, and demonstrated in Acts 2:2–4!

Peter’s sermon in Acts 2:14 onwards, clearly lays out the events in play, and he immediately referred to “the last days” and Joel’s comments relative to those days!  Because of the actions of the Sanhedrin in Acts 28, the “last days” and Joel’s Prophecy are delayed until Zech.12:10!

As history shows, the Jews listening were “cut to the heart” and asked Peter “what they could do” (2:36–39)!

These words and request to Peter turned out to be prophetic as well as practical for that moment, as the Ruling Sanhedrin in Acts 28: 25–28 (Isa. 6:9–10), removed the National repentance which was on offer; and only made possible the individual repentance and Salvation in Christ Jesus; as Almighty God placed a Veil on the understanding of “National Israel” (2Cor. 3:14–16); but individual Jews can with God’s power and their will see through “the Veil” to the Saving Grace of Christ Jesus; and enter the “Body of Christ Jesus” with their Gentile brothers and sisters!

This condition can be obtained until the prophecy in Romans is current (Rom.11:25–27); and all the Gentiles will be saved who belong to Christ Jesus!


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